18 Nov 2009


Hey guys, here I am again. Just a quick one to tell you about Swakopmund. Very funny town, lots of old Germnas and generally full of White people. It's meant to be the capital of adrenaline junkies. I passed on skydiving and other stuff and "only" tried Sandboarding. GREAT FUN!!! Even managed a jump - as it is sooooo much softer to fall in the sand! Only problem, we have to walk up the dune.... Just so you can imagine how hard it is: 37C in the shade (obviously no shade anywhere) and the dune is 90 m high. I made it up 8 times. I reckon that must be comparible with a whole day hiking in the alps>

Otherwise Swakopmund looks more what I imagine an American town somewhere in the middle of nowhere down South. There are even German newspapers over here: "Die Allgemeine Zeitung auf gut Deutsch" and in the supermarkets they play German music that has long been "forbidden" in Germany.

Next stop: Spitzkoppe mountains.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds super great!
    Fun and lots of sports too...
    How tanned are you by the way??
    enjoy!! looking forward to seeing and reading more...
